Marketing Collateral
Its a supporting role
Marketing Collateral supports the sales of your products and/or services. Different from traditional print marketing, marketing collateral touches a consumer after you have already engaged them through some other avenue. You may have caught their attention through an online advertisement, a direct mail marketing campaign or even a casual networking conversation.
Whatever the avenue, the next step is to deliver supportive materials. That’s when your marketing collateral enters the scene – front and center – to help your company establish credibility and make the sales cycle easier and more effective. Marketing collateral should also align with your corporate identity, enhance your brand, and present one unified message to your audience.
Whether you want to promote your company as a whole, or market a specific product or service we can support your sales cycle by delivering an attractive and cohesive representation of your company. Below is a list of some of the products and services we offer:
- Brochures & Catalogs
- Data Sheets, White Papers & Case Studies
- Sales Scripts
- Presentations (PowerPoint & Keynote)
- Visual Aids (Posters, Signs & more)
- Copywriting and Editing Services
To include marketing collateral as a part of your integrated marketing plan, Send Us a Note.