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10 Twitter Strategy Tips to help you gain more followers
For businesses, there are a number of benefits to using Twitter. Twitter is beneficial for brand awareness, to gain competitive intelligence, engage with your target audience, online reputation, promote your blog content, self-promotion, boost your website rankings in the search engines or sending out press releases.
Here are 10 twitter strategy tips to help you gain more followers:
1) Don’t use all of the 140 characters (you want people to repost your tweets) so 60-70 characters is ideal
2) Retweet other great related content from other twitter posts (a few times daily)
3) Post content you like to read (i.e. if you are a real estage agent create content about a community, city, real estate trends or anything related)
4) Don’t get caught up on what to post. You are not expected to be a professional writer but make it interesting
5) Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not bad days to publish. Experiment with it as you are competing with less tweets and will get a higher click through rate
6) Asking people to “Please ReTweet” gets 4x more retweets
7) Use FF# (it stands for Follow Friday). If there are people you follow and have great content, give them recognition on Fridays only. It will help you to gain followers. For ex. #FF @visibilityone
8) Learn from other tweets of those that you admire
9) Add your picture and details to your profile. People want to connect with who they are following.
10) Identify yourself authoritatively in your twitter bio (i.e. guru, expert, official, speaker, founder) as these words can help you gain more followers.
Just be yourself and have fun!